Factors Affecting Bioethanol Fermentation From Sugar Cane Molasses Using Flocculant
Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC-1195
Elda Nurnasari, Agustin Krisna Wardani and Aji Sutrisno
Critical Factors of Success for Quality and Food Safety Management:
Classification and Prioritization
Hamilton Pozo, Aurimar Barcelos França, Takeshy Tachizawa
A Survey on Context-Aware Monitoring Strategies for Cloud Based Healthcare Systems
Prof. S. Balamurugan, R.P. Shermy, Dr. Gokul Kruba Shanker, Duruvak Kumar.V.S. and
V.M. Prabhakaran
Morphological and Quantitative Description of Connective, Adipose and
Vascular Tissues of the Digital Torus of Horses
André S. Leonardo, André R. C.Barreto-Vianna, Luana S. Oliveira, Kaique Nogueira,
Anna Clara dos Santos, Eduardo M.M. Lima
Preparation and Spectral Characterization of Isonazide Ligand with
Some Transition Metal Complexes
Ahmed Ahmed, Dalia M. and Fatmaa H.
The Implementation of Finite State Automata in Government SMS Services (MySMS)
Nik Sakinah
Nik Ab Aziz, Nor Fazlida Mohd Sani, Rozaini Othman, Haslila Othman
An Efficient Multiple Object Resource Allocation Using Hybrid GA-ACO Algorithm
Senthil Kumar, A.M. and M. Venkatesan
A Process of Sustainable Productive Reconversion Involving Property Rights and
Externalities: A Case Study from Southern Brazil.
Caroline Gonçalves and Decio Zylbersztajn
Accuracy of Non-Destructive Volumetric Estimates in Stands of Pinustaeda L.
MarceloBonazza, Jean Alberto Sampietro, Raul Silvestre, Marcos Felipe Nicoletti,
Gean Carlos Pagio Lima, André Leonardo da Silva, Diego Felipe Morés,
Aurélio Lourenço Rodrigues
Ultrasonic membrane anaerobic system (UMAS) applications intreating
slaughterhouse wastewater
N.H. Abdurahman, Y.M. Rosli, N.H. Azhari
Synthesis, Characterization and Chromogenicproperties of Lead (II)
Complexescontaining Hydrazonic Ligands
Hesham, H.A. Rassem and Abdurahman, H. Nour
Isolation and Molecular Differentiation of Brucella Isolates in Some Foods in Egypt
Safaa Ali, Nadia Soliman, Salah Abdel-Rahman
Acid dissociation constant pKa of some carboxylic acids:
correlation between experimental and theoretical values using
density functional theory and QSPR.
Assouma Dagri Cyrille, Kwa-Koffi Edith Kouassi, Niamien Paulin Marius, Aka Kouassi Henri
A numerical for Predicted Efficiency of a Solar Collector Installed Heat Pipe
Sampan Rittidech and Saksiwat Sridaboot
A Juristic Study on Investment of Awqaf: from Classical to Contemporary Modes
Dr. Noor Mohammad Osmani and Md. Habibur Rahman
Study of Structural Properties of PbO Thin Film Prepared by Pulse Laser Deposition
Ghaleb Ali Al-Dahash, Tabark Abd Al-Abas, Wajeha Abd Al Dayem
Laser Speckle Reduction Using a Very Simple Mechanical Movement in the Presence of
Nano-Particles Based on Random Mie Scattering
Fareed F. Rashid, Mohameed J. Abdulrazzaq and Wijdan H. Muttlak
Influence the Number of Laser Pulses on the properties of Bi1.7 Pb0.3Sr2Ca2Cu 2.9Ti0.1O10+δ.
Superconducting Thin Films
Ghazala Y. Hermiz, Amal K. Jassim and Ebtisam K. Alwan
Physiological Quality and Repeatability in Biometric Characters of Seeds from Different
Trees of Aspidosperma Polyneuron Müll.Arg
Sheilly Raquelly Prado de Paula, Antonio Carlos Nogueira, e Maria Cecília de Oliveira Bastos
A New Approach of Control Strategy for a Spherical Tank Level Process
Selvaraj Rangasamy and Abraham Lincon Srinivasan
Analyzing The Interorganizational Relationships Through The Bibliometrics
Marcelo Okano, Oduvaldo Vendrametto, Osmildo Santos, Marcelo Fernandes
Risk and Loss Analysis of Flood in Kali Lamong Watershed, East Java
Diah Susilowati, Mohammad Bisri, Kliwon Hidayat, Arie Rachmansyach
Association of Serum Organochlorines with Reproductive and Thyroid Hormones Level in
Horticulture Farmers in Pacet, Cianjur, West Java
Bambang Wispriyono, Hasnawati Amqam, Ema Hermawati, Budi Hartono, RM. Jodi Pratama, Asep Nugraha
AxialVariationInWood Basic Density OfTrichilia claussenii And Calyptranthes tricona
Jonathan William Trautenmüller, Rafaelo Balbinot, Jaqueline Valerius, Juliane Borella,
Rômulo Trevisan, Gustavo LuísGonzatto, Rodrigo Medeiros Ribeiro.
Performance Analysis of Biometric Data Processing By Distributed Hadoop Framework
Shohel Sayeed, Jakir Hossen, Mohd Fikri Azli bin Abdullah, Liew Tze Hui, Ibrahim Yusof, Andrews Samraj
Residential Area Contribution To Reducing Flood Rate From Climate and Landscape Change
Kusumastuti and Kuntjoro
A Secured Healthcare Application Using WMSN
C. Murugamani, S. Saravanakumar, S. Prabakaran and S.A. Kalaiselvan
Effects Of The Relationship Between Factors Affecting Cost of Construction Projects And
Financial Performance of Small Scale Contractors In Nigeria: A Pls-Sem Approach
Nuru Gambo and Ilias Said and Radzi Ismail
The Evolution of Patent Deposit in Brazil After the Innovation Law
Alberth Almeida Amorim Souza, Jonas Pedro Fabris, Mariane Camargo Priesnitz, Suzana Leitão Russo
Are Restaurant Patrons Ready to Go Green? An Examination of Demographics and
Intention to Dine at Green Restaurants
Booi-Chen Tan, Yong-Hoe Hong, Nasreen Khan, Woon-Har Lam
Saturated Light Expanded Clay Aggregate and Fly Ash Aggregate As Internal Curing Agents
In Self Compacting Concrete
R.Gopi, V.Revathi, R.Ramya, K.Ramesh
Simulation of Integrated Wind and Solar Resources using HOMER Software
T.Tharankumar and Dr. L. Ashok Kumar
Genetic Analysis of Caryocar Brasiliense Donor Trees Using Microsatellite
Molecular Markers
Thalyta Fernandes Godinho, Ariadne Marques, Any Caroliny Pinto Rodrigues, Luiz Paulo de Sousa Correia,
Ariadne Marques, José Sebastião Cunha Fernandes, Juliana Jerásio Bianche,
Janaína Fernandes Gonçalves, Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Stochastic Network Calculus Model for AWGN Fading in Underwater Wireless
Communication Networks
Christhu Raj M.R and Rajeev Sukumaran
Distribution and Species Richness of Odonata in Selected Area in Langkawi Island,
Kedah, Malaysia
Farizawati S., Norma-Rashid Y. and Idris A.B.
From Mountainous Terrains to Industrial Complex: The Bataan Export Processing
Zone (BEPZ)
and the Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB), Philippines
Rosaly P. Malate
Edge Effect on Dendrometric and Floristic Parameters of a Forest Fragment
Sebastião do Amaral Machado, Claudia Carla Cardoso, Luis Cesar Rodrigues da Silva,
Bruno Henrique Czelusniak, Naiara Teodoro Zamin
Computation and Verification of Propagation Loss Models based on Electric Field Data
in Mobile Cellular Networks
Joseph Isabona and Isaiah Gregory Peter
Frame of Reversible BCD Adder and Carry Skip BCD Adder and Optimization Using
New Reversible Logic Gates for Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata
Neeraj Kumar Misra, Subodh Wairya, V.K. Singh
Analysis of sEMG to remove ECG using wavelets
Mr.Y.Dileep Kumar and Dr. A.M.Prasad
The Influence of Uncertainty Variables of project time in Construction Industry
In Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Anita Rauzana
The Correlation of Uncertainty Variables on Project Time Estimation in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Anita Rauzana
Stress Intensity Factor Analysis of Fatigue Crack Propagation on Rail Track
N.A. Akeel, Z. Sajuri, A.K. Ariffin and Mohamed Alaalam
The Influence of Production of Ethanol into Sugar-Cane Prices in Brazil
Everton Anger Cavalheiro, Rogério Royer, Alexandre Xavier Vieira Braga,
Ariane Ferreira Porto Rosa, Luis Antonio dos Santos Franz
Thermal Plasma Treatment of Wastes: A Review
Bala Isah Abdulkarim and Mohd Ariffin Abu Hassan
Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch Using Flower Pollination Algorithm
P.Paramasivan and Dr.R.K.Santhi
The use of Natural Fallen Trees in Mature Tropical Amazonian Forest for
Volumetric Regression Analysis and Volume Equations Adjustment
Francisco GasparettoHiguchi, Nelson Yoshihiro Nakajima, Sebastião do Amaral Machado,
Joaquim dos Santos, Adriano José Nogueira Lima, Niro Higuchi
Childhood Experience: Recreational Forests Users’ in Selangor, Malaysia
H. Norhuzailin, A.A. Nur Ain and M.A. Noor Fazamimah
Effect of Time Course, Fatty Acid Chain Length and Organic Solvent on
Enzymatic Synthesis
of Lactose Ester by Mica-based Immobilized Lipases
U.H. Zaidan, M.B. Abdul Rahman, A.B. Salleh and S.S. Othman
Effects of Hydrated Lime – Pond Ash Admixtures on the Compaction Characteristics
of Treated Peat Soils
Md. Yusof, K. Mohamed, O.M. Henary and N.A. Yahya
Understanding the Built Environment‘s Lifecycle Factors for
Nurturing Sustainable Behavior of
University’s Employees
Dania Sammani, Rahinah Ibrahim and Marek Kozlowski
Strategy of Development Communication on ‘Kawasan Rumah Pangan
Lestari” (KRPL) / Sustainable Food House Area Program in Madura Based on
Community Based Organization (CBO))
Netty Dyah Kurniasari
Linking Competencies with New Product Development For Malaysia
SMEs Furniture Designers – An Overview
Nor H Mansor, Ibrahim R., R.A.A. Raja Ahmad Effendi and R. Abdullah
Predictive Modeling for Entry Mode Decisions of Malaysian Construction Firms in
International Markets
C.M. Mat Isa, H. Mohd Saman, C.N. Preece and A. Jaapar
Pharmacopore Modeling and Molecular Docking Studies on Phyllanthus niruri
as a Target for Diabetes Mellitus
H. Masrur, A. Ulfa and R. Ardiansyah
Asset Management in Improved Performance Optimization
Eni Wuryani
Arrangement Model on the Sustainable Coastal Settlement in Makassar
Naidah Naing, Asdar Djamereng, Bulgis
An overview of agribusiness logistics in Brazil
Rodrigo Duarte Soliani
The Influence of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) and Sucrose on Flowering Behaviour of
Bougainvillea glabra Under Natural Conditions
Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker, Rosnah Jamaludin, Nur Naeimah and Amru Nasrulhaq Boyce
Development of a Direct Neural Controller by Feedback Linearization (Narma-L2)
for a Rotational System (Inverted Pendulum)
Oscar Gualdron., Luis Mendoza, Danilo López S.
Efficiency of Secured Novel Multi-Factor Authentication Scheme with Biometric Technology
Noor Afiza Mohd Ariffin, Nor Fazlida Mohd Sani, Zurina Mohd. Hanapi, Ramlan Mahmod
Good Governance Practices in National Solid Waste Management Policy Implementation:
A Pilot Study on Solid Waste Corporation’s Staff in Batu Pahat, Malaysia
Seow Ta Wee and Muhamad Azahar Abas
Barriers of Accessible Tourism in the National Parks in Malaysia:
Case Study in Tanjung Piai National Park
Seow Ta Wee and Shalini Sanmargaraja
Developing a Tool to Assess Perception of Solid Waste Corporation’s
Staff on Good Governance Practices
Seow Ta Wee and Muhamad Azahar Abas
Mosque-Based Empowerment of the Muamalat Micro Business Community in Indonesia
Muhammad M. Said and Mahmuddin
Hybrid Data Stream Classifier
S. Jayanthi and B. Karthikeyan
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer From Rhodamine 110
To Nile blue In ORMOSILs Environment
Firas J.Al-Maliki and Wajeha Abdle Diam
Role of Brand Preference and Word of Mouth as mediation Effect of
Brand Equity on Purchase Intentions
Kiagus Muhammad Amran, Idrus, Margono Setiawan, Armanu, Djumahir
Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction as a Mediator the Effect of
Leadership Style on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Employees
Deonisio Gonzaga Meles Fraga, Achmad Sudiro, Surachman, Noermijati
Accountability of Local Regional Financial Management Based Tri Hita Karana
(Study at Badung Government -Indonesia)
Herkulanus Bambang Suprasto, Iwan Triyuwono, Rosidi, Gugus Irianto
Corporate Social Responsibility of Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited in Understanding of
Mojodelik and Braboan Society, Bojonegoro-Indonesia
Ifa KhoiriaNingrum, Achmad Sudiro, Surachman, Noermijati
Effect of Situational Leadership Style on Competence and Employee’s Performance of
Cleaning Agency at South Jakarta City
Tri Wahyuningdyah, Djumilah Hadiwijoyo, Noermijati, Mintarti Rahayu
Creativity of SM3T Participants at Riau University in Developing Knowledge Using
Project-Based Learning at Lany Jaya, Papua, Indonesia
Yustina and Dahnilsyah
ALife Portrait of Remote Communities: A Study in Indonesia
Rauf A. Hatu
Creative Problem Solving as a Communication Approach for Motivational Training
Rismawaty, Anter Venus, Asep Suryana and Jenny Ratna Suminar
Design of PID Controller for Power System Stabilizer using Bat Algorithm
Karthikeyan S.and Mohan G.
On Growth of Entire Special Monogenic Function
Mushtaq Shakir A. Hussein and Aseel Hameed Abed Sadaa
The Implementation of a Marketing Communication Strategy in Building an Institution’s Image:
A Case Study in a Government Department Providing Distinguished Scholars’ Scholarships
Dadang Munandar, Dwi Kartini, Sucherly and Diana Sari
An Extensive Survey on Information Retrieval and Information Recommendation
Algoritms Implemented in User Personalization
Mr. N.Yuvaraj and Dr. A.Sabari
Back-propagation and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks "A Comparative Study”
Hussein. A. Al-Ofeishat, Ali T. Khwaldeh, Mohammed Mahdi and Albara Awajan
Speech Variations of Male and Female Students: the Case of
German Language Education Program, State University of Makassar
Mantasiah Rivai
The Most Significant Environmental Elements Surrounding of
a Modern Condominium Complex in Malaysia
Seow Ta wee and Md Amanat Ullah
Applications of Wavelet Packets in Image Denoising
Pankaj Sharma, Kashif Khan and Khalil Ahmad
Innovation Role in Mediating the Effect of Human Resource Management Strategy and
Market Orientation on Business Performance (Studies at SMEs in Southeast Sulawesi)
Muhamad Masri, Armanu, Ghozali Maskie, Rofiaty
Low Power and Area Efficient Codec Designed For Error Detection Scheme by
Using Enhanced Clock Gating Technique in Delay Buffer
Udara.Yedukondalu, A.Jhansi Rani, V VijayaSri Bolisetty and Tejomurthy PHS
Role of Complexing Agent in Chemical Bath Deposition of Thin Films: A Review
Ho S.M.
Effect of Competence and Motivation on Teacher Performance and Primary and
Secondary Education Quality at Yapis Education in Jayapura - Indonesia
H. Muhammad Arifin
Using Political Marketing Strategy to Achieve Parliament Chair: Theoretical Studies in
Indonesia’s Parliament
Heriyanto, Armanu, Fatur Rachman, Djumahir
Accountability of Special Autonomy Fund in Papua Province: Analysis from
Political Economy of Accounting (PEA) Perspective
Muhamad Yamin Noch, Made Sudarma, Gugus Irianto, Ali Djamhuri
The Effect of Entrepreneur Orientation, Market Orientation and External Environment
on Performance and Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Restaurant Industry In Banggai - Indonesia
Nurhidayah Layoo, Salim Basalamah, Basri Modding, Abdul Rahman Mus
The Influence of Information System User Competency and The Quality of
Management Accounting Information Systems on User Satisfaction
Ilham Hidayah Napitupulu and Abdul Rahman Dalimunthe
Eutrophication and Effects Under Fish Histology in Shallow Lake in Semiarid of Brazil
Thaís Ribeiro Felix, Temistocles Soares de Oliveira Neto, Islânia Nunes do Nascimento,
Ricardo Barbosa Lucena, Luciana Gomes Barbosa, Marcelo Luiz Rodrigues
and Ricardo Romão Guerra
Decomposition of Mammogram Images based on Bidimensional Complete
Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise
N.Vaijayanthi, B. Elizabeth Caroline and X. Susan Christina
Optimisation of Machining Responses for Drilling of Aluminium Silicon Alloy on
CNC Vertical Machining Centre under Wet drilling condition
Rajkeerthi E., Elumalai P.C., Arvind T . and Balaji R.
Comprehensive Plastic Analysis of Cantilever Sheet Piles using Finite Element Method
with Conventional Design Inputs
Lillendra Kumar Verma, Ruthwik Lakshman Abhishek Goel, Anurag Saurav and Jayalekshmi S.
Experimental Investigation and Multi-Physics Simulation of Electrochemical
Micro-Machining Process
Elumalai P.C., Rajkeerthi E., Arvind T . and Balaji R.
An Empirical Analysis on Retail Banking Customer Behaviour
M. Rajeswari
A Study Mechanical and Tribological properties of tungsten carbide reinforced with Al
7075 – T6 Alloys Composites
Mr.S.Saravanan and Dr.P.Kumaravel
The Effectiveness of Indigenous Rhizobacteria As Bioherbicide to Control of Weed
Tresjia C. Rakian, La Karimuna, Muhammad Taufik, Gusti A.K. Sutariati, Muhidin and
Yulius B. Pasolon
Improving the Performance during Route Discovery for QoS Flows Using Various
Policies over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Suganya.R. and Dr.L.S.Jayashree
BNDES and Micro Finance in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Portrait of
Metal-Mechanic Industry in Caxias do Sul – RS –Brazil.
Philereno, D.C. Trentin, G.T. Rotta. C Krewer, E.J. Merlo, L.S.