Special 12, 2014
Performance Evaluation of Three-Phase Inverter with Various Fuzzy Logic Controllers
A.M. Mutlag, H. Shareef and A. Mohamed
Effect of Hydrogen on Natural Gas Fueled Direct Injection Engine, a Theoretical Study
J. Zareei, W.F. Wan Mahmood, S. Abdullah, Y. Ali
Determination of Dominant Axis for Hand Arm Vibration (Hav) In Malaysian Army
Three-Tonne Truck Steering Wheels
Aziz S.A.A., Nuawi M.Z., Mod Nor M.J., Daruis, D.D.I.
Evaluation of the Effect of Debonding between steel and Concrete in Composite Deck
Slabs on Lamb Waves
N. Khalifa, S. Baharom, A.H. El-Shafie, M. Z. Nuawi
Seismic Vulnerability Curves of Water
F.Z. Halfaya, M. Bensaibi and L. Davenne
Preliminary Test of Hydrocarbon Exposure on Eleocharis Ochrostachys in
Phytoremediation Process
Nadya, H.A.S., Siti Rozaimah, S.A., Nur ‘Izzati I. , Omar H.J.
A Case Study: Design and Construction of Pile and Numerical Simulation by Plaxis
A. Akbar Firoozi, M.R. Taha, B.P.Naveen, A. Asghar Firoozi
Effect of Solvents on Natural Dyes Adsorption on the Surface of Tio2 Film for Dye-
Sensitized Solar Cell
M.A.M. Al-Alwani, A.B. Mohamad, A.A.H. Kadhum, N.A. Ludin, M.M. Ba-Abbad
Fatigue Data Extraction Analysis Using Daubechies Wavelet Transform
M.F.M. Yunoh, S. Abdullah, M.H.M. Saad, Z.M. Nopiah and M.Z. Nuawi
Optimum Placement and Sizing of Battery Storage Systems to Voltage Rise Mitigation
in Radial Distribution with Pv Generators
L.A. Wong, H. Shareef, A. Mohamed and A.A. Ibrahim
The Potential of Supernatant and Sludge of POME in ABE Fermentation by
Clostridium acetobutylicum
Azima, S.J., Mohd Sobri, T., Jamaliah, M.J. and Abd. Amir, H.K.
Numerical Simulations of Eddy Current Testing For Plated Aluminum Parts
Salim Bennoud and Mourad Zergoug
Rainwater Harvesting As an Alternative to Conventional Water Supply for Potable
Riffat. S., W.H.M. Wan Mohtar, A. El-Shafie and M.A. Hannan
A Review of Work Related Musculoskeletal Problems in Agricultural Industry
Ezrin Hani Sukadarin, Baba Md Deros, Jaharah A. Ghani, Ahmad Rasdan Ismail
Monitor Placement for Fault Location in Radial Distributed Network Based on Current
Sensitivity and System Topology
Siti Hajar Ibrahim, Hussain Shareef , Azah Mohamed , Ahmad Asrul Ibrahim
Windrow Composting of Yard Wastes and Food Waste
Nur Fatin binti Mat Saad, Nursyahida Baharin and Shahrom Md Zain
Study on Anfis Prediction for Slope Stability
Tarig Mohamed and Anuar Kasa
Comparison of Essential Oil of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon Citratus) Extracted with
Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation (MAHD) and Conventional Hydrodistillation
(HD) Method
Ranitha M., Abdurahman.N.H, Ziad A.S, Azhari N.H, Thana Raj.S
Vulnerability Curves of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
F. Imene Belheouane and Mahmoud Bensaibi
Bio Synthesis of Methanol from Goat Manure Via Anaerobic Fermentation
Noor Shahirah shamsul and S.K.Kamarudin
Output Feedback vs. State Feedback Controllers in Weighted Multiple Model Adaptive
Control for Mechatronic Suspension System
Wajdi S. Aboud and Sallehuddin Mohamed Haris
Time-Frequency-Based Fatigue Data Editing For Automotive Applications
T.E. Putra, S. Abdullah, D. Schramm, M.Z. Nuawi, T. Bruckmann, M.F.M. Yunoh
Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) for Optimal Reservoir Operation of Timah
Tasoh Dam
Asmadi bin Ahmad @ Hasan, Siti Fatin Mohd Razali, Ahmed Hussein El-Shafie,
Zawawi Samba Mohammad
Interaction of Across-Wind and Along-Wind with Tall Buildings
Meisam Gordan, Mohammadreza Izadifar, Ahmad Haddadiasl, AhadJavanmardi, RouzbehAbadi,
Hossein Mohammad hosseini
A Neural network Based System Architecture of An Automatic Traffic Sign Detection
and Recognition System
S.B. Wali, R. Rahman, A. Zamee, J. Iqbal, 4M. Ahmed
Tool Path Optimization for Drilling Process by CNC Milling Machine Using Ant
Colony Optimization (ACO)
Fathiyyah Iberahim, Rizauddin Ramli, Khashayar Danesh Narooei, Jaber Abu Qudeiri
Materials for Sustainable Development: A Review on Key Challenges
F. Mohamed, M. Jamil, M.F.M. Zain, S.A. Shah
Classification of Grapes Using Electronic Nose
S.M.A.K. Rajin, S.A. Samad, A.M. Muad, M. Islam
Utilization of Oil Palm Shell as Lightweight Aggregate in Lightweight-Foamed Concrete
M.Y.J. Liu, U.J. Alengaram, S.P.Yap, M.Z. Jumaat
Design and Fabrication of Segment Display Architecture for Displaying Bengali and
English Numerals
M.R. Islam, G.K. Beng, A.A. Bashit
Optimal Time History Analysis of 2d Trusses Using Free-Scaled Wavelet Functions
Seyed Hossein Mahdavi and Hashim Abdul Razak
Effects of Surface Treatment on Titanium for Dental Implants: A Review
Afida Jemat, Mariyam Jameelah Ghazali, Masfueh Razali, Yuichi Otsuka
Thermophilic Fermentative Hydrogen Production using Granular Activated Carbon
Immobilized Mixed Microflora
Nabilah Aminah Lutpi and Jamaliah Md Jahim
The Effect of Speed on Pedestrian Crossing Risk at Signalised Crossing Facility
Rizati Hamidun, Siti Zaharah, Intan Rohani Endut
Permeation Properties of Lightweight Oil Palm Shell Concrete
Kim Hung Mo, Ubagaram Johnson Alengaram, Michael Yong Jing Liu, Mohd Zamin Jumaat
Influence of Fiber and Cement on Stabilisation of Silty Clay
Ali Asghar Firoozi, Mohd Raihan Taha, Ali Akbar Firoozi, Tanveer Ahmed Khan,
M. shojaei Baghini
Potential of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) Biochar from Gasification Process
Muhammad Afif Ariffin, Wan Mohd Faizal Wan Mahmood, Mohd Tusirin Mohd Nor and
Ramizi Mohamed
The Application of Photoconductive Bacteriostatic Infrared-LED for footwear in
Environmental Art Installation
Chuang-Hung Lin, Chien-Yuan Han, Shi-Yen Wu, Cheng-Yuan Hsu, Bo-Wei Liou
Investigation of Chopped Strand Mat-Woven Roving Characteristic in Durability
A.M.T. Arifin, S. Abdullah, R. Zulkifli and D.A. Wahab
Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue under Solar Irradiation: Comparison
Study between ZnO and TiO2
Muneer Ba-Abbad, Abdul Amir Kadhum, Abu Bakar Mohamad, MohdTakriff, Salmin Al-Shamali
Preliminary Test of Mining Wastewater Containing Iron (III) and Aluminium (III) on Lepironia
articulata in Phytoremediation
Nur ‘Izzati, I., Siti Rozaimah, S.A., Mushrifah, I., Nadya, H.A.S. and Omar, H.J.
Incipient Damage Observation of SA 516 Carbon Steel During Tensile Test Using
Acoustic Emission Technique
A.A. Abd Rahim, M. Mohammad, S. Abdullah, N. Jamaluddin, M.Z. Nuawi
An Overview on Manufacturing of Rice Husk Ash as Supplementary Cementitious
M.N.N. Khan, M. Jamil, A.B.M.A. Kaish, M.F.M. Zain
Development of a Portalble Electronic Road Lane Departure Warning System
A.D. Beh, T.W. Tan, H.L. Wong and C.S. Woo
Hybrid Amplifier Design for CWDM Network
Muchlis A.M., Abang A.E., Sahbudin S., Norhana A.
Determination of Water Consumption Pattern in Tehran Using Questionnaire and
F. Fahimi and A.H. El-Shafie
Synthesis of Zno Microspheres Via P-123 Assisted Precipitation Route and Its
Photodegradation Ability
Pudukudy, M., Yaakob, Z. and Allaedini, G.
Barriers of Adopting Harvesting Technology Inmalaysian Oil Palm Industry
Nur Syazwani M.N., Baba M.D. and Norani N.
Developing a Stability Formula for Breakwater-An Overview
Nur Aini Mohd Arish, Othman A. Karim, Wan Hanna Melini Wan Mohtar
Quantitative Approach for Decision Making in Engineering Intellectual Property
Ownership Dispute
Mohd Helmi Jamalluddin, Zulkifli Mohd Nopiah, Zinatul Ashiqin Zainol, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri
Comparison of Case Selection Method and Percentile in Anthropometry Seat Design
Darliana Mohamad, Baba Md Deros, Dian Darina Indah Daruis, Affiq Johari
Vibration Magnitudes for Z-axis at the Pedal-pad on Tarmac and Paved Road Surface
Ahmed Rithauddeen bin Yusoff, Baba Md Deros, Dian Darina Indah Daruis
Chloride Resistance of Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash by Rapid Migration Test
P.J. Ramadhansyah, S.J. Dewi, B.H. Abu Bakar, C.N. Che Wan, M.H. Wan Ibrahim
A Study of Ballistic Resistance on Magnesium Alloy, AZ31B
Mohamad Faizal Abdullah, Shahrum Abdullah, Mohd Zaidi Omar, Risby Mohd Sohaimi
Characterization of Cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI) from recombinant Aspergillus niger
Norashikin Othman and Jamaliah Md. Jahim
Selection of Objective Function for PSS Design Using Optimization Techniques in Multi
Machine Power System
Naz Niamul Islam, M.A. Hannan, Hussain Shareef, Azah Mohamed
Effect of Sintering on Porosity Changes in Ti-10at%Mo-10at%Cr Alloys
Eko Kurniawan, Junaidi Syarif, Mohammad Rasidi Rasani
Synthesis of Novel Schiff Bases Derived from 4-aminoantipyrine
Al-Majedy, Y.K., Ahmed A. Al-Amiery, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, Abu Bakar Mohamad
Effect of PH on Cobalt Oxide Nano Particles Prepared by Co-Precipitation Method
Ghazaleh Allaedini, Siti Masrinda Tasirin, Manoj Pudukudy
Daylighting Rules of Thumb and Performance of External Shading Devices for
Clerestory Office Room in Kuala Lumpur
Muhamad Fadle Mohamad Abu Sadin, Nik Lukman Nik Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian,
Elias Salleh
Review on the Translucency of Zirconia (Y-TZP) Ceramics for Dental Crown
K.Y. Theng, A. Muchtar, Norziha Yahaya, Ghazali M.J.
Parametric Modelling of Flexible Plate Structures Using Ant Colony Optimization
N.S.A.A. Jalil, S. Julai, R. Ramli
Analysis of the Structural and Optical Properties of Thermally Evaporated Zinc
Sulphide (ZnS) Thin Films for Photovoltaic Application
F. Haque, K.S. Rahman, N.A. Khan, M.A. Islam, N. Amin
Structural and Optical Properties of Thermally Evaporated Cdte Thin Films
N. Amin, K.S. Rahman, F. Haque, N.A. Khan and M.A. Islam
The Relationship of Particle Gradation and Relative Density with Soil Shear Strength
Parameters from Direct Shear Tests
Z. Ahsan, Z. Chik, Z. Abedin
Effect of Aluminium Content on the Tensile Properties of Mg-Al-Zn Alloys
N. Abdul Latif, Z. Sajuri, J. Syarif
A Reed Bed System for the Treatment of Domestic Wastewater and Micropollutants
Omar Hamed Jehawi, Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah, Mushrifah Idris, Nurina Anuar,
Hassimi Abu Hasan, Nadya Hussin AL Sbani,
Nur ‘Izzati Ismail
Enhancement of Optical Properties of Cds Thin Films Prepared From Sputtering
Technique: Effect of Thermal Annealing
M. A.Islam, M.S. Hossain, K.S. Rahman, F. Haque, M.Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Nowshad Amin
Composite Based Mixed Recycled Plastic with Tropical Wood Dust: Mechanical And
Physical Properties
Wan Hasbulalfi Wan Haron, Dulina Tholibon, Dr Abu Bakar Sulong, Nur Farhani Ismail
Assessment of Nano-Zeolite on Soil Properties
Ali Akbar Firoozi, Mohd. R. Taha, Ali Asghar Firoozi, Tanveer A. Khan
Review: Application of Coagulation-Biological Aerated Filter (CBAF) System for
Biodiesel Wastewater Treatment
N.M. Daud, H. Abu Hasan, S.R. Sheikh Abdullah
Heat transfer enhancement of laminar flow in a circular tube using Swirl / vortex
Sami D. Salman, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, Mohd S. Takriff, Abu BakarMohamad
Numerical investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancements in a Circular Tube with
CuONanofluid and Quadrate Perforated Twisted Tape Insert
Sami D. Salman, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, Mohd S. Takriff, Abu BakarMohamad
Assessment of Heat Treatment on Clays Mixed with Silica Sand
A. Akbar Firoozi, M. R. Taha, A. Asghar Firoozi, Tanveer A.
Design Analysis of A Single Screw Extruder For Jatropha Oil Extraction Using Finite
Element Method
Ali NurrakhmadSiregar, Jaharah A. Ghani, Che Hassan CheHaron, Muhammad Rizal
Effect of Annealing Temperature on Tensile Properties of Inconel 600
Tuan Zaharinie, F. Yusof, M. Hamdi, T. Ariga
Model-Based People Gait Recognition
W. Kong, A. Hussain, H.B. Zaman, M.H.M. Saad
Citric Acid Assisted Facile Synthesis Of Single Phased Crystalline Micro Vanadium
Pentoxide Powder
ThusharaKandaramath, Binitha N.N, ZahiraYaakob
Multi-Agent Event Detection Based Onmotion Information
N.S. Suriani, A. Hussain, M. A. Zulkifley
Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl orange over Cobalt – Titanium Mixed Oxides
Anila Gopalakrishnan, ZahiraYaakob, Binitha N.N
Modulus Of Rupture And Hardness Of Opaque Dental Porcelain
Fathie Kundie, Saied H. Mohamed, Mohd Polo, Zainal Arifin Ahmad
Numerical Simulations of Pile Using Plaxis
Ali Akbar Firoozi, Mohd Raihan Taha, Naveen, B.P., Ali Asghar Firoozi
PHOTOCATALYTIC Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds (Voc) for Improving Indoor Air
Quality: An Overview
Ranjit K. Nath and M.F.M. Zain
Simulation Model for a Real Time Solid Waste Bin Monitoring System
Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, M.A. Hannan, Aini Hussain, Hassan Basri
Application of Linbo3 Photocatalyst in Concrete as Environmental Friendly Solution for
Indoor Air Purification
Ranjit K. Nath and M.F.M. Zain
Reclamation of Sodium Silicate Sand Moulding
Chui Kim Ng, PekKie Yeo and Choong Wei Fam
An Overview of Semi-Solid Metal Processing
M.N.Mohammed, M.Z.Omar, M.S.Salleh, K.S.Alhawari, M.A.Abdelgnei
Tensile Properties and Strain Response of Cu-Al Bi-Metal Tube
Amirhossein Baghdadi, I.S. Misran, Zainuddin Sajuri and Junaidi Syarif