May, 2016
Description Of Children Behavior, Environmental Sanitation Conditions
And Personal Hygiene And Helminithic Earthworms Diseases Incidence In
School-Aged Children In Soligi Village, Obi- South Halmahera Islands,
North Maluku Province
Suyud Warno Utomo, Abdur Rahman, Haryoto Kusnoputranto, Zani Suhananto
General Asymptotic Regional Gradient Observer
Asmaa N. Al-Janabi, Raheam A. Al-Saphory Naseif J. Al-Jawari
Parenting Style and Learning Motivation and its Impact on Student’s
Learning Achievement and Autonomy at SMA Negeri 1 Boyolangu
Yitno, Soemarno, Zaenal Fanani, Amin Setyo Leksono
Fire Retardantes Different Efficiency In Eucalyptus Plantations In The
South Of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Victor Moulin Maraboti, Saulo Boldrini Gonçalves Weslen Pintor Canzian,
Nilton Cesar Fiedler, Adriano Ribeiro de Mendonça
Capital Structure And Related Problems At Financial Firms That List
With Indonesia Stock Exchange
Ten Years Of Papua Integration With The Republic Of Indonesia From
1963 To 1973
Ester Yambeyapdi
Protection of Public Health Services for the Poor in Gambiran General
Hospital Kediri
Koesnadi, Soemarno, Amin Setyo Leksono, Mukhammad Soleh
Tanah Merah Gulf Coastal Community In Jayapura District,
Ester Yambeyapdi
Analyzing Bus Driver’s Behavior With Fuzzy Method
Budi Soesilo, Harnen Sulistio, Ludfi Djakfar, Achmad Wicaksono, Azis Muslim
Preparation of wood adhesives based on tannins and glycerol esters
Anelise Lima de Abreu Dessimoni, Leydiane de Oliveira Pereira, Tattiane Gomes Costa,
Maria Lucia Bianchi, Taís Regina Lima Abreu
Veiga, Maria Fernanda Vieira Rocha
Morphological traits and yield components of second-crop soybeans in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil.
Carine Meier, Daniela Meira, Tiago Olivoto, Diego Nicolau Follmann, Maicon Nardino,
Ivan Ricardo Carvalho, Mauricio Ferrari, Alan Junior De Pelegrin, Vinícius Szareski Velci Queiróz De Souza
Development of a spatial equilibrium model for intermodal transport: the
case of Brazilian ethanol
Jamile Coleti and Andréa Leda Ramos de Oliveira
Congenital heart disease in Saudi Arabia: the role of molecular genetics
with a focus on Down syndrome
Abdulhadi H. Al-Mazroea, Sahar AF. Hammoudah, Lama M. El-Attar, S. Justin Carlus,
Yousef Almohammadi, Khalid M Al-Harbi
Democracy as the civil society based law system: Papuan People’s Role
Strengthen As The Civil Society
Nomensen Mambraku
On the effect of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Firms Performance
Mohammed Abdelshakour Shehata
Immunological Study for Hepatitis A virus infected patients in Babylon
province / Iraq.
Dr. Ziton Abdulrida Ighewish Al-Khafaji, Dr. Youins A .K Al-Khafaji, Dr. Nada Khazal Kadhim Hindi
Ecological Restoration Indicators apllied to Permanent Preservation Areas
surrounding the springs
Rafaela Guimarães Silva, Marcelo de Carvalho Alves, Regiane Aparecida Vilas Boas Faria,
Luis Marcelo Tavares de Carvalho, Soraya
Alvarenga Botelho
Female Directors andFinancial Reporting Quality: Further evidence
Muhammad Umar Kibiya, Ayoib Che Ahmad
Heart Zebrafish (Daniorerio)-quantification of tissue constituents
FabieniTiemy Menezes Okiyama, André Santos-Leonardo, Kaique Nogueira, Anna Clara dos Santos,
André Rodrigues da Cunha Barreto- Vianna, Eduardo Maurício Mendes de Lima
Geographical renogram scanning for patients of renal Diseases
Adel M. kelany, Osiris W. Guirguis, Rania M. Abdel Halim
Technical aspects of economic and dairy catle the region northwest RS,
Maria Inês Diel, Gilmar Luiz Mumbach, John Robert Stolzle, Lisia Maria Diel,
Valéria Ortaça Portela, Décio R. Silva, Fabio José
Andres Schneider, Silvane Isabel Brand
Optimizing K-means in Cascading Clustering and Classification
Sumana B.V and T. Santhanam
The Improvement of Environmental Sanitation Knowledge And
Community Participation In
The Jakarta Bay To Control Water Pollution
Suyud Warno Utomo, Haryoto Kusnoputranto, Sri Wrinarti, Nastiti Mugi Lestari
Solution of Heat Equation by Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform
Comparison Study
Husein. A. Husein and Alaa. S. Elaibi
A Review of Microchannel heat sink
Vedulla Manoj Kumar, Sk. Farooq, B Nageswara Rao
Uronic Acid andSome virulance factors of the Pathogenic Bacteria isolated
from Patients with Otitis Media in Hilla City, an in vitro study, Iraq
Fatima Malik Abood
Efficiency optimization for plasma actuator in atmospheric air
Thamir H. Khalaf, Inaam M. Abdulmajeed, Mohammed J. Jader
An Efficient Mechanism For Detection Of Face Spoofing Using Support
Vector Machine
S. Dhivya
Improved Bat Algorithm Based Effective Stable Routing For Energy
Efficiency With Load Balanced In Wireless Sensor Networks
R. Arun Chakravarthy and DR. S. Palaniswami
Investigating the factors responsible for fallen standard of education in
secondary schools in
Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State,
Celestine Eze (MEd), Denis C. Agbo (PhD), Samuel C. Ugwoke(PhD), Nelson O. Ogbonnaya(PhD)
An Overview of the Use of Mineral Fillers in Asphalt Pavements
Eltaher Aburkaba and Ratnasamy Muniandy
Taguchi-Based Optimization Technique in Reflux Microwave Extraction of
Piperine from Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)
N. H. Abdurahman and Olalere, O. A
Path analysis and Annicchiarico method applied in relation to protein in corn grains
Ivan Ricardo Carvalho, Maicon Nardino,Alan Junior de Pelegrin, Mauricio Ferrari,
Gustavo Henrique Demari, Vinícius Jardel Szareski, Mauricio Horbach Barbosa,
Velci Queiróz de Souza
Hydrothermal treatment of electrospun ZnO nanofibers and its photocatalytic properties
Raad S. Sabry
Standardization of Integrated Emergency Services of Brain Injury as a Satisfaction
Improvement and the Effect on BPJS Participant Socio-Economic
Condition at Gambiran Hospital Kediri
Sentot Imam Suprapto, Soemarno, Zaenal Fanani, Imam Hanafi