Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

May-June 2024


Palliative Care in the Intensive Care Unit (Icu) for Patients with Covid -19

Amélia Carla Silva Oliveira Carvalho, Alda Helena dos Santos Carvalho, kário Francisco Rodrigues de Araújo, Marcos Antônio Silva Batista, Rosane Cristina Mendes Gonçalves, Wigo Pereira Gomes da Silva Raisa Emanoele Cardoso Rebelo, Habynaara Freitas de Oliveira, Beatriz Maciel Ramos Cesar, Márcia Alves Ferreira, Mariza Ozório da Rocha, Rafaela Gomes Santos, Flávia Roberta Nogueira Leite, Pollyana Patrícia Vasconcelos de Almeida Lopes, Fernanda Santos Mendes, Francisca Vieira Alonso Loli, Wáleria de Melo Escórcio de Brito, Luciene Maria dos Reis, Danielle de Sousa Ferreira Brito, Alaine Alves Bezerra, Tiago Dutra Gonçalves, Luciana de Sena Melo Veras, Maria Eduarda Diniz Fonsêca Saldanha, Luciene Lopes Bohrer, Michely Machado da Purificação, Irismar Emília de Moura Marques, Sara de Paula Fernandes Lopes, Aline Márcia Pereira Pinheiro Silva, Ellise Grazielle Mendonça Dantas, Klícia Andrade Alves, Clara Lorrany Silva de Lima, Ana Eloisa Pinheiro Torquato de Mesquita, Waldiner Rabelo Almeida, Nayanne Ricelli da Costa Silva Gonçalves, Amanda Sena Nunes Canabrava, Juan Victor da Silva, Renan Barros Braga

ABSTRACT: Background: This study was justified by the need to expand knowledge on the subject, with a view to covering the guidelines for palliative care. Objective: Is to recognise the importance of the health professional in carrying out palliative care, the objectives of the research in question are also to understand the beginnings of Covid-19; to punctuate palliative care in general and to discuss the care of ICU patients with Covid-19. Methods: The articles selected were those published between January 2015 and October 2023 and with relevant citations from previous periods, in the BVS (Virtual Health Library), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature), SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and Nursing Periodical databases. Results: Research and advances in palliative care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) have proven to be extremely essential and impactful for improving the treatment of patients affected by COVID-19. In recent years, a series of studies have been carried out with the aim of identifying the best palliative care protocols, taking into account the severity of the disease and the specific needs presented by critically ill patients in the ICU Conclusion: Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in palliative care, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses must develop strategies to improve care and ensure staff safety. They must also offer humanised care, applying technical and administrative knowledge to improve the quality and dignity of patient treatment.

[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-8 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2024.18.3.1

