March 2021
Bootstrapping estimation of the workload ratio by an
occupational group of human healthcare resources of a
Hospital in Ayacucho, Peru
Carlos Vásquez Llamo, John Tinco Bautista, Martín Grados Vásquez, Danny Villegas Rivas, and César
Osorio Carrera
The analysis of the workloads present in the way of working is a promising way to guide the provision of care to users
and thus, improve the quality of access to health services. On the hypothesis that there is no relationship between
knowledge and acceptance of the estimate of the gap in care human resources in a Regional Hospital in Ayacucho and
the wide demand for human resources in health in Peru it is necessary to estimate the gap in healthcare human
resources of a hospital in the Ayacucho region. The objective of this research is to estimate the gap in care human
resources, expressed in the ratio of workloads per occupational group of a Regional Hospital in Ayacucho by
bootstrapping. The measurement of the RHUS workload ratio was carried out individually for each occupational
group. The sample was made up of n = 744 healthcare personnel. The estimation of the workload ratio was carried
out by bootstrapping, considering the non-parametric tests of Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U by occupational
group of the healthcare human resources. The results showed an asymmetric distribution of the workload ratio,
influenced by the presence of an occupational group of Medical Professionals, which turned out to be the most
numerous and the one with the greatest deficiencies. There were no significant differences between the three
occupational groups of human resources in health. The bootstrapping estimation suggested considering a sample size
n = 50 as the threshold between large and small samples in this study. The robustness of the bootstrapping estimators
was verified in the context of asymmetric distributions, and especially for estimates of the workload ratio by
occupations group of human resources in health
[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-9 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2021.15.3.1
Inclusive education and the fundamental rights of people with
disabilities in a city in Peru
Karin Ponce Rojas
Background: Inclusive education implies that all children in a given community learn together regardless of their
personal, social or cultural conditions, including those with a disability. The segregation and exclusion of students with
disabilities from general education amounts to serious violations of the right to education of these students. Objective: the objective of this research is to determine if inclusive education guarantees fundamental rights such as; civil and
political rights, accessibility, health and rehabilitation, education and sports, work and employment and social protection
of people with disabilities. Results: Inclusive education in general is perceived as very efficient. The dimensions
associated with inclusive education (non-discrimination, availability, physical and economic accessibility, adaptability
and acceptability are perceived at a very efficient level. Conclusion: there is a perception that the fundamental rights of
people with disabilities are fully guaranteed and that civil and political rights, accessibility, health and rehabilitation,
education and sports, work and employment and social protection are in a very efficient level. It was evidenced that
inclusive education through its dimensions guarantees the fundamental rights (civil and political rights, accessibility,
health and rehabilitation, education and sports, work and employment and social protection) of people with disabilities
[ FULL TEXT PDF 10-15 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2021.15.3.2
How to Conduct Correlation and Regression Analysis
through SPSS
Keya Rani Das, Khandoker Saif Uddin
BACKGROUND: Statistics has played its role in everywhere as each field of science, agricultural research, medical and
engineering research, social science research, business and economics field and so on. In each field, data should be
analyzed and software makes it easy to handle to analyze the data. Among many software SPSS is simple to use.
OBJECTIVES: For applied research and test of hypothesis somewhere we cannot go further without touch statistical task.
But sometimes we face problems when we conduct basic research by using software as we don’t know how to run those
software. That’s why this paper mainly focused on how to conduct correlation and regression analysis by statistical
software named SPSS.
FINDINGS: IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 21 version software was used and screenshots from this
are listed here to focus how we can conduct correlation and regression analysis by SPSS. In this article a step by step
analyzing process about correlation and regression are presented for collected data. This paper also showed how to
check assumptions to fit regression line through SPSS. Also some basic idea about correlation and regression are listed
CONCLUSION: Fundamentals of correlation and regression are listed and also stepwise solution to operate SPSS is
featured here about these basic statistical analyses. This paper will help to make familiar and easy to handle SPSS on
correlation and regression analysis
[ FULL TEXT PDF 16-23 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2021.15.3.3