Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
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March, 2015


Comparative Analysis of Zernike Moments With Region Grows Algorithm on Mri Scan
Images for Brain Tumor Detection

G.Nallasivan, Dr. S. Janakiraman and Ishwarya



Smart Nanostructured Silicon <100> and Polysilicon Diaphragm Response for Pressure
Sensing Applications using IntelliSuite

M. Alagappan, K. Sripadaraja, N. Meenakshi Sundaram and A. Kandaswamy



An Efficient Globus-QoS-driven Job Scheduling Approach in Grid Environment

Kannan K.S. and Dr. Saravanan R.



PSAA: A Novel Procedure for Satellite Imagery Processing based on Grid

Devabalan P and Dr. Saravanan R.



Measurement of Annual Effective Doses of Radon in Plastic Bottled Mineral Water
Samples in Iraq

Abdalsattar K Hashim and Rajaa Hussien Abd Ali



Consultant-client Interaction: An analysis from the Consultants’ Discursive

Christiane Sousa Neves, Daniel Jardim Pardini, Carlos Alberto Gonçalves and
Deborah Oliveira Santos Abdala



Investigation of power consumption in 2D Mesh Interconnect Networks Using Oblivious
Routing Protocol in Multicore Processor

A.Gopi Saminathan and M. Lordwin Cecil Prabhaker



A High Gain and Low Noise Figure for Dual Band LNA with Notch Filter

Azman Ahmad, Prof. Abdul Hamid Hamidon, Ass. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rani Othman and KamilPongot



A Novel Approach Towards Achieving Energy Efficient and Load Balancing for
Wireless Sensor Network used in Wearable Physiological Monitoring




Analysis Model of the Capacity of the City Councils Electronic Portals to Build
Conditions for Accountability

Fabiano Maury Raupp



Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane on Pd-Mo/-Al2O3 catalyst: a kinetic study.

Hugo Zea and Luis Carballo



Modeling and Simulation of Buck Boost Converter - Inverter fed Solar System

T.Sundar and S.Sankar



Barriers to Implementation of Building Information Modeling in Scheduling and
Planning Phase in Iran

Iman Kiani, Aidin Nobahar Sadeghifam, Saeid Khalili Ghomi, Abdul Kadir Bin Marsono



An Overview of Conventional and Surface Free Energy Methods Used to Determine
Asphalt Aggregate Adhesion

Ganesh Pillaiyan, Ratnasamy Muniandy, Eltaher Aburkaba



Synthesis of coated magnetite nanoparticles by simple method to removal heavy ions
from aquatic environments

Hesham I. Saleh



A Soft Computing Approach towards Segmentation of Blood Vessels in Retinal Images

J.Sivakumar and K.Chitra



Venture capital as a source of innovation’s financing

RymkulIsmailova, AminaMussina, NurgulIsmagulova



Effect of total quality management practices on department performance and students
satisfaction at private colleges in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Anis Saleh, Syahnur Said, Baharuddin Semmaila, Ramlawati



Role of Gender, Age and Ethnicities on Visual Reaction Time and Visual Anticipation
Time of Junior Athletes

Kuan Yau Meng, Nurul Atikah Zuhairi, Faudziah Abd Manan, Victor Feizal Knight,
Mohd Nizar Ahmad Padri, Rokiah Omar



The relationship between the core facility practice to increase business performance at
manufacturing firms in Makassar - Indonesia

Idrus Usu, H. Syahnur Said, Ramlawati, Mapparenta



Effect of Human Resource Development on Lecturer’s Competence and Lecturer’s
performance of Private Colleges in Gorontalo - Indonesia

Meimoon Ibrahim, H. Mursalim Umar Gani, H. Bahar Sinring, H. Baharuddin Latief



Crown model for Perhutani’s Teak Plus from Clonal Seed Garden Aged 6 to 11 Years
in Madiun Forest District, East Java, Indonesia

Ronggo Sadono



Design of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Two Enhancements
(Bandwidth and Gain)

Fadhil M. Aswad, Dr. Mohamad Zainol, Dr. Ho Yih Hwa



Efficient Energy Management Using Domotics Controller and Validation Incorporating
Lab View in wind/solar/battery Storage Hybrid System

Josephine Rathinadurai Louis, Suja Shanmugam, Vidhya Nattuthurai



Low Power High Performance (LPHP) SRAM Cell for Write Operation

C.M.R. Prabhu and K. Ramanathan



Comparative Effects of Thermoxidized Palm Oil and Groundnut Oil Diets on some
Haematological Parameters in Albino Wistar Rats

E.J. Ani, V.U. Nna, C.E. Obi, N.J. Udobong



Detection of Malicious Secondary User Using Spectral Correlation Technique in
Cognitive Radio Network

A.C. Sumathi and Dr.R. Vidhyapriya



Stomach Content Analysis of Deuterodon Species (Eigenmann, 1907), A “Lambari”
Genus from the Atlantic Forest

Karina Ocampo Righi-Cavallaro, Thiago Nilton Alves Pereira, Marcel Rodrigo Cavallaro



Hybrid comprehensive edge detection algorithm for LIDAR images

Abhishek Guipalli and Ramashri Tirumala



Efficiency of Ametryn Herbicide Irradiated on different Weeds in an Orchard of

Andre Ricardo Machi, Paula Bergamin Arthur, Luiz Ferrari and Valter Arthur



Factors Affecting Bidding Strategy in Construction

I Nyoman Yudha Astana, Rusdi HA. and Mohamad Agung Wibowo



The Role of Data Warehouse in Decreasing the Time of Decision Taking

Shadi Habis Abu Aloush



Efficient Automated Segmentation and Lossless Compression of Fluoroscopic Images

Arif Sameh Arif, Sarina Mansor, Rajasvaran Logeswaran and Hezerul Abdul Karim



Development of OLSR based Selective Jamming Attack Detection Mechanism in
Wireless Sensor Networks

F. Vincylloyd, Dr. B. Anand, Mr.J. Jijin Godwin



Independent Component Analysis and Uncorrelated Discriminant Analysis for Diabetic
Retinopathy Lesion Detection

Sirajudeen, A. and Dr. Ezhilarasi, M.



The Impact of Knowledge Sharing Tools on Levels of Organizational Learning (Field
Study on Jordanian Commercial Banks)

Dr Abdallah M. Obeidat and Prof. Ghassan A. Otibi



Mobility Assisted Redeployments in Wireless Sensor Networks - A Study Based on the
Density of Nodes

V. Violet Juli and J. Arputha Vijaya Selvi



Detection and Prevention of Black Hole Attack on MANET Routing Protocols

S. Amutha and Kannan Balasubramanian



Challenges of Applying Quality Management to Private Higher Education Institutions
in the Sultanate of Oman

Sulaiman Al Mahdhoori and Zulkiple A.Ghani



Investigation of New Eco Friendly Refrigerant Mixture Alternative to R134a in
Domestic Refrigerator

A. Baskaran and P. Koshy Mathews



On Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Function Defined by Ruscheweyh Derivative

Abdul Rhman S. Juma, Hassn H Ebrahim and Shamil I Ahmed



Effect of heat resistance paints (HRP) on closed-chamber temperature distribution

Pipatpaiboon, N and Thondaeng, T.



The model approach of GLCM method of keyframe extraction and Kullback- Leibler
distance similarity measure for Content based video retrieval system from video

A.Mohamed Mustaq Ahmed, M.Mohemmed Sha, Dr.G.S.Anandha Mala



Power Allocation For Phased Mimo Radar

Dr. C. Geetha priya, S.Senthil kumar, J.Rijo



A Study on the Split Tensile Strength of Fiber Reinforced Concrete subjected to
Sustained Elevated Temperature

O.G.Dharanipathi and Dr.P.D. Arumairaj



Wavelet Based Decomposition and Approximation for Bone Cancer Image

P.Sinthia, Dr.K..Sujatha, M. Malathi



Implementation of State-Space-Dqo Model With S-Transformation
Based Z-Source Matrix Converter For Wind Energy System

V. Kandasamy, Dr.S.Vasantharathna, Niranjana.B



Selection of feature analysis electronic nose signals based on the
correlation between gas sensor and herbal phytochemical.

U.K. Mohamad Yusof, A. Che Soh, N.F. M. Radzi, A.J. Ishak, M.K. Hassan,
S.A. Ahmad, S. Khamis



Multipath Routing Mechanism for Energy Preservation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Prof.T.P.Jayakumar and Dr.N. Gunasekaran



Certain Investigation On De-Noising The Multichannel Abdominal ECG Signal Using
Various Adaptive Noise Suppression Techniques

S.Ravindrakumar and K. Bommannaraja



Substance, Economic Reality And Expectations of Truth

Agung Budi Sulistiyo, Iwan Triyuwono, Ali Djamhuri, Aulia Fuad Rahman



Molecular Identification of Synanthropic Flies in Malaysia

K. Fahad Nazir, W. Sing King, C. Suet Lin and L. Wei Hong.



Predictions of Light Vehicles Production and Sales In ASEAN

Dr (Mrs.) Muneer Sultana and Dr Putri Rozita Tahir



Optical Properties of PMMA/ZnONanocompositesas FoilsPrepared by Casting Method

Haider Mohammed Shanshool, Muhammad Yahaya, Wan Mahmood Mat Yunus and bIbtisamYahya Abdullah



The Role of Good Governance on Sustainability: A Case of Small Medium
Entrepreneurs in Malaysian Rural Transformation Centre

Sarminah Samad



A Novel Method to Model Brain Tumor using Wavelet Transform and Fractal Parameters

S.Vanitha, R.Rajeswari and D.Ebenezer



A Soft Switched Dynamic Cross-Linked Mechanism in Three-Phase Z-Source Inverter
for Solving Shoot-Through Problems

J. Shanmugapriyan, Dr. A. Chilambuchelvan and Dr. S. Vijayan



Artificial Neural Networks Effectiveness to Estimate Mortality in a
Semi-Deciduous Seasonal Forest

Renato Vinícius Oliveira Castro, Carlos Pedro Boechat Soares, Helio Garcia Leite,
Agostinho Lopes de Souza, Fabrina Bolzan Martins, Gilciano Saraiva Nogueira,
Márcio Leles Romarco de Oliveira



Drying of Wood from Mimosa scabrella, Eucalyptus dunnii and Tectona grandis in
Solar Kiln, in South Brazil

Pedro Lício Loiola, Cláudio Gumane Francisco Juízo, Raquel Marchesan, Ricardo Jorge Klitzke,
Márcio Pereira da Rocha



Operation and Control Strategy of Wind/Photovoltaic System with
Battery Storage using Neural Networks

Dr. C. Kathirvel and Dr. K. Porkumaran



Novel Displacement Transducers for Magnetic Levitation System

Dr Mrunal Deshpande



Molecular Identification of Synanthropic Flies in Selangor, Malaysia

Khoso, F.N., Wong, S.K., Chia, S.L. and Lau, W.H.



Design and modeling of fractional order PI controller
for a coupled spherical tank MIMO system.

D. Pradeepkannan and Dr. S. Sathiyamoorthy



Distributed Mining of Agglomerative Clustering on Vertically Partitioned Data

R. Senkamalavalli and Dr. T. Bhuvaneshwari



Economic growth, FDI and Budget Deficit in Pakistan: 1971-2007: Evidence from
Causality and Cointegration Analysis

Majeed A. Hussain and Najid Ahmad



Design of Dual Mode Type-II Fuzzy Logic Load Frequency Controller for
Interconnected Power Systems

N.J. Vinoth Kumar and M. Mohamed Thameem Ansari



Impact of Genetic Algorithm Parameters on its performance for Solving Flow Shop
Scheduling Problem

Hani A. Al-Rawashdeh and Hisham O. Al-Rawashdeh



Evaluation of Primer Sequence Targeting invA Gene of Salmonella sp. by in silico PCR

Mohd Afendy A.T., Noor Azlina M. and Son R.



Effects of different salinity levels on rice production

Mohd Nozulaidi, Mohd Khairi and Md Sarwar Jahan



An Evaluations of Safety Concerns in The Ambience of Cloud Computing

Kiyana Bahadori



Multiclass Classification of Error Correcting Output

Kiyana Bahadori


