March-April 2024
Selection of accessions based on the general and specific combining ability of a partial diallel of Capsicum annuum L
Thaynara Aparecida de Souza Neto, Jhennifer dos Santos Nascimento, Beatriz Barbosa Lopes, Paulo Roberto Cecon, Paulo César Emiliano
ABSTRACT: Capsicum annuum L. is recognized as the most globally traded peppers and bell peppers, standing out for its wide genetic variability and extensive range of varieties. Therefore, conducting studies on this crop becomes crucial in genetic improvement programs. The present work employed diallelic analysis to estimate general and specific combining ability in a partial diallel, using accessions of C. annuum L. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of the Department of Agronomy at the Federal University of Viçosa, following a completely randomized design with four replications. Nine genotypes of C. annuum L. and twenty hybrid combinations, originating from partial diallelic crosses based on six traits, were evaluated. Diallelic analysis was applied, and the general and specific combining ability parameters were estimated. The results indicate the existence of genetic variability in the components of the diallel for most traits, we also identified the most divergent accessions by estimating general and specific combining abilities. Thus, it can be concluded that the hybrids Pimenta Vulcão x Pimentão Cascadura Ikeda, Pimenta Cayenne x Pimentão Cascadura Ikeda, and Pimenta Jamaica Yellow x Pimentão Cascadura Ikeda stand out as options for the food market. The Pimenta Picante para Vaso x Pimenta Doce Italiana and Pimenta Picante para Vaso x Pimentão Quadrado hybrids show potential for the ornamental plant market. The hybrid Pimenta Jamaica Yellow x Pimentão Quadrado is not recommended for the F2 generation. The parent Pimenta Picante para Vaso offers the potential to reduce plant dimensions, height, and fruit width, making it valuable for the ornamental plant market. The parent Pimenta Peter stands out as a promising choice to meet the demand for nutritious and functional foods due to its high indicator of vitamin C content.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-8 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2024.18.2.1
Mental health of healthcare professionals
Danielle de Sousa Ferreira Brito, Josias Pereira de Santana, Francisca Vieira Alonso Loli, Waléria de Melo Escórcio de Brito, Tiago Dutra Gonçalves, Alaine Alves Bezerra, Flávia Roberta Nogueira Leite, Elaine Silva Ferreira, Pamela Nery do Lago, Gabriela Camargos Costa, Regina de Oliveira Benedito, Flávia de Oliveira Freitas, Priscila Costa Ribeiro Esteves, Noel Morais de Souza, Luciana de Morais Lisboa, Marilete Henrique Santiago Siqueira, Maíra Amaral Silveira Gomes Ferreira, Ronaldo Gomes Rodrigues, Milla Reggiani Souza Cunha, Andreia Christianne Lessa Souza, Bianca Cristina Silva Assis Santiago, Carla Alves Silva, Clarice Paraíso Ribeiro, Patrícia Gislene Dias, Elen de Oliveira Peixoto, Renata Castro Mendes, Polyana Christine de Oliveira, Letícia Maria de Oliveira Nogueira da Gama, Lícia Caroline Bastos, Ana Paula Pereira Ferraz, Simone Aparecida de Souza Freitas, Suellen Ferreira Santos Silva, Lívia Mari Martins Reis, Tatiana Gonçalves de Faria, Natália Borges Pedralho, Tuane Prado da Silva, Flávia Cristina Duarte Silva, Taise Vieira Barros, Marilza Alves de Souza, Glória Frazão Vasconcelos, Jéssica Laianne da Silva Carvalho, Cicília Fernanda Pessoa Moura, Maracy Borges Xavier, Deltiane Coelho Ferreira, Letícia Lacerda Marques, Janielle Bandeira Melo, Andreia das Graças Silva de Moraes, Ana Teresa Gonçalves de Souza, Elitânia Luz da Silva, Larissa Laís Maria da Silva Dantas de Moura, Naiane dos Santos Campos Gama, Grayce Kelly Nunes Fernandes, Rafaela Bezerra Gama Guimarães, Marília Prata Oliveira, Samara Oliveira Lopes, Ana Kelly Alexandre Martins Soares, Deisy Rejane Barbosa Bezerra, Eveline Araújo Maia, Marcela Flávia Lopes Barbosa, Dharlene Giffoni Soares, Liliane Soares de Santana Souza, Marta Luiza da Cruz, Samanntha Lara da Silva Torres Anaisse, Juliana Nunes Lacerda, Bianca Ramalho dos Santos Silva, Maria Izabel Gonçalves de Alencar Freire, Adelmo Barbosa de Miranda Junior, Eliseu da Costa Campos, Fernanda Ghessa Oliveira SantAnna Morais Carvalho, João Paulo Morais Carvalho, Isabela Saldanha de Carvalho Coutinho, Maria Virgínia Pires Miranda
ABSTRACT: Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of healthcare professionals around the world. During the pandemic, they faced overwork, stressful working conditions, a lack of adequate personal protective equipment, and direct and constant exposure to the suffering and death of patients. These factors contributed to high levels of stress, anxiety, depression and emotional exhaustion. Objective: To understand the mental health scenario of healthcare professionals in the post-Covid-19 pandemic period. Methodology: This is bibliographical research, of an exploratory nature, in which a study was carried out from May to July 2023 in the Lilacs, Scielo and Google academic databases using the keywords: pandemic, mental health, caring caregivers and health professionals. 14 scientific articles were analyzed using them in Portuguese and English as inclusion criteria; complete, published and indexed in the aforementioned databases in the last three years. Results: In the post-pandemic period, challenges persist for health professionals. Many of them face professional burnout, psychological trauma and an overloaded work environment. Concern about the possibility of subsequent outbreaks and continued uncertainty also affects the mental health of these professionals. It is essential that support measures are implemented to take care of the mental health of healthcare professionals. This includes access to mental health services, self-care programs, resilience training and creating a more mental health-friendly working environment. Furthermore, awareness of the importance of mental health must be promoted, fighting the stigma associated with seeking for help. Conclusion: The mental health of healthcare professionals in the post-Covid-19 pandemic period is a critical issue that requires special attention. Implementing supportive measures is essential to ensure these professionals can deal with ongoing challenges and provide quality care to their patients.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 9-14 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2024.18.2.2
Analyzing Egyptian Consumer Behavior towards International Brands (The Effect of Country of Origin on Purchase Intention: An Application of the Automotive Industry in Egypt)
Pensee ElSaify, Ashraf Labib, Ayman Metwally
ABSTRACT: Due to Globalization, consumers are exposed to multiple brands from around the world, so marketers are eager to develop powerful brands. Consumer-based brand equity is critical to marketing strategy since it influences company performance and increases the probability to purchase. This research paper objective is to examine how the country of manufacture and country of origin of a brand affects purchase intention in the Egyptian automobile market and how consumer-based brand equity factors influence those relationships. Additionally, an analysis will be conducted of the independent variables' direct and indirect effects on the dependent variable. To accomplish this objective, this study employed a quantitative research design to collect data through 411 completed and valid questionnaire of car buyers in the Egyptian market. structural equation modeling (SEM) and regression analysis using two statistical packages, namely SPSS version 25 and AMOS version 22 were employed. It was discovered that the direct impact of the country of manufacture and the country of brand on purchase intention was insignificant. The consumer-based brand equity dimensions are affected by the country of brand, except brand association. Country of manufacture positively impact all Consumer based brand equity dimensions. Brand loyalty, brand association and brand awareness impact on purchase intention is positively significant, however, the influence of perceived quality on purchase intention is negatively significant. To sum it up, the relationship between country of manufacture and purchase intention is fully mediated by Consumer based brand equity dimensions. The relationship between country of brand and purchase intention is entirely mediated by brand awareness, brand loyalty, and perceived quality; while brand association has no role at all in this regard.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 15-24 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2024.18.2.3