Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

July-August 2024


Integrative Approaches to Glycemic Control in Hospitalized Patients With Diabetes

Maria Rejane França da Silva Sousa , Alda Helena dos Santos Carvalho, Amélia Carla Silva Oliveira Carvalho , Ismael Alves Dantas , Wigo Pereira Gomes da Silva , Habynaara Freitas de Oliveira , Beatriz Maciel Ramos Cesar , Rafael de Araújo Sampaio , Márcia Maria Gomes Sá2 , Thaisa Pereira dos Santos , Ana Aline Guedes Guerra, Fernanda Duarte dos Santos Martins , Márcia Alves Ferreira , Mariza Ozório da Rocha , Rafaela Gomes Santos , Flávia Roberta Nogueira Leite , Pollyana Patrícia Vasconcelos de Almeida Lopes , Fernanda Santos Mendes , Emilly Araujo de Melo , Clívia Mirelly da Silva , Francisca Vieira Alonso Loli , Wáleria de Melo Escórcio de Brito , Luciene Maria dos Reis , Danielle de Sousa Ferreira Brito , Alaine Alves Bezerra , Nildo Francisco Silva de Arantes , Josias Pereira de Santana , Thiago Gomes Zaki Gerges, Luciana de Sena Melo Veras , Luciene Lopes Bohrer , Michely Machado da Purificação , Irismar Emília de Moura Marques, Sara de Paula Fernandes Lopes, Kleber Claudio Nakayama, Aline Márcia Pereira Pinheiro Silva, Islany Barbosa Soares da Silva, Ellise Grazielle Mendonça Dantas, Heloisa Barboza Gregório, Julia Maria Martins Augusto, Ana Eloisa Pinheiro Torquato de Mesquita, Waldiner Rabelo Almeida, Nayanne Ricelli da Costa Silva Gonçalves, Claudenia da Silva Santos, Cinthia da Silva e Silva, Roosevelt Albuquerque Gomes , Renan Barros Braga, Wynglisso da Silva Souza, Jorlene da Silva Costa

ABSTRACT:: Glycemic control in hospitalized patients with diabetes represents a significant challenge for healthcare systems, directly impacting clinical outcomes and patients' quality of life. This study aims to investigate the most effective strategies for glycemic management in this context, considering the multiple dimensions that influence glycemic control. Through a systematic literature review, focused on literature from the last three years, clinical interventions, environmental and psychosocial factors, as well as the role of emerging technologies in glycemic monitoring and management were analyzed. The results highlight the importance of a holistic and personalized approach, integrating clinical care with attention to social and environmental determinants of health, and emphasizing the need for reliable technological advancements in glycemic monitoring. These findings point to the necessity of health policies and clinical practices that promote more effective and patient-centered management.

[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-6 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2024.18.4.1


Core impacts of patient data security

Regina de Oliveira Benedito, Pamela Nery do Lago, Karine Alkmim Durães, Gabriela Camargos Costa, Divina Elenice Cardoso Bessas, Lícia Caroline Bastos, Renata Castro Mendes, Luciana de Morais Lisboa, Flávia de Oliveira Freitas, Noel Morais de Souza, Marilete Henrique Santiago Siqueira, Tatiane Cristina de Castro Brito, César de Faria Rezende, Suellen Ferreira Santos Silva, Bianca Cristina Silva Assis Santiago, Taise Vieira Barros, Ronaldo Gomes Rodrigues, Letícia Maria de Oliveira Nogueira da Gama, Ana Carolina Carvalho Rios, Juliana da Silva Mata, Priscila Costa Ribeiro Esteves, Samira Alves Barbosa Gonçalves, Iany Neres Ramalho, Patrícia Gislene Dias, Clarice Paraíso Ribeiro, Maíra Amaral Silveira Gomes Ferreira, Mariana de Oliveira Santos, Andreia Christianne Lessa Souza, Ana Kelly Alexandre Martins Soares, Andrea Molina Lima Avelino, Eveline Araújo Maia, Maria Artunilda Bezerra Pinho, Deisy Rejane Barbosa Bezerra, Samanntha Lara da Silva Torres Anaisse, Nayara Lummy Arashiro de Lima, Cristiane de Oliveira Ribeiro, Marta Luiza da Cruz, Jéssica Laianne da Silva Carvalho, Cicília Fernanda Pessoa Moura, Francisca Áurea Portela Martins Carvalho, Janielle Bandeira Melo, Maracy Borges Xavier, Samara Oliveira Lopes, Kelly Franciane Lima Alves, Grayce Kelly Nunes Fernandes, Naiane dos Santos Campos Gama, Juliane Guerra Golfetto, Maria Auxiliadora Sena Conceição, Tatiana Batista da Silva, Lana Rose Cortez de Farias, Bianca Ramalho dos Santos Silva, Ayla Lima Soares, Anna Elizabeth Grant de Oliveira, Polyana Christine de Oliveira, Diana de Oliveira Bezerra, Lilian Maria Santos Silva, Adriana Simões Moreira Rocha

ABSTRACT: Background: Records created by healthcare teams are intended to provide information about the care provided, ensure communication between team members and become a legal document for the defense of professionals and therefore must be imbued with authenticity and insignificance. The electronic medical record (EPR) is a technological resource that is increasingly used and should permanently replace the physical record. The security of EPR data is a concern for both the multidisciplinary care team and healthcare managers. Characterizing the extent of use of the EPR and confirming the effectiveness of data security mechanisms can support acceptance and compliance with the EPR by both healthcare professionals and administrative staff. Objective: Discuss the security of patient data using EPR in Brazil. Methodology: A literature review was conducted on this topic using bibliographic and descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The bibliographic survey was conducted electronically in the PUBMED and LILACS databases using the keywords: electronic medical record, data security, information technology. 23 scientific articles were analyzed, using as inclusion criteria articles published in Portuguese and English in the last ten years, complete and indexed in the above-mentioned databases. Results: Electronic medical record is the storage of clinical data from various sources, stored electronically to allow rapid and organized retrieval, with information about a group of patients or a specific patient. In order to prevent confidential information in the healthcare sector from being passed on without authorization, as is the case with patient files, especially electronic ones, secure information technology procedures must be used. With regard to the security of patient data, mechanisms must be in place to detect intrusions or unauthorized distribution of data and to impose strict sanctions on those who violate these mechanisms. Conclusion: It is believed that the certainty of severe punishment for non-compliance with information security and the right to privacy and confidentiality can significantly minimize these intrusions, thereby reducing resistance to compliance and acceptance of their use in everyday healthcare..

[ FULL TEXT PDF 7-13 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2024.18.4.2


Challenges and Goals of Patient Safety Practices: A Literature Review

Danielle Oliveira Maciel, Josiane Macedo de Oliveira Rupf, Mayara Oliveira Costa, Regina Racquel dos Santos Jacinto, Maura Simone Lima de Almeida, Patrícia da Silva Bezerra de Miranda6, Sebastião Magno Oliveira, Glenda Stephanei da Silva Pereira, Sâmela Stefane Correa Galvão, Fernanda Ferreira Martins, Arthur Vinícius dos Santos Peres, Thierry da Silva Cardoso, Marcos Augusto Pires Silva, Prince Dieuveille Lebo Dimina, Claudy Frantz Ashley Darius, Onésimo Aaka Wai Wai, Giselle Sousa Carmona, Rogério Gomes Pereira, Nadja da Fonseca Veloso, Miquelem Cristina da Luz Gomes Neri

ABSTRACT: Background: Patient safety is a fundamental priority in the health field, highlighted by the need to reduce risks and prevent adverse events during care. Objective: The objective of this study is to critically review the existing literature on patient safety practices, highlighting the main challenges faced in the adoption of these practices and the recommended goals for their effective implementation. Results: This study presents a literature review focused on the analysis of the challenges and goals of patient safety practices. Articles published in the last ten years in recognized databases such as PubMed, Scielo and Embase were selected and analyzed in order to identify the barriers faced by health professionals in the implementation of safe practices and the strategies that have proven effective in overcoming these obstacles. The results indicate that the main challenges include communication failures, work overload, inadequate training, and difficulties in adopting support technologies, factors that compromise safety in care and error prevention. Resistance to organizational change and the absence of an institutional culture focused on safety also stand out as significant barriers. However, strategies such as strengthening an organizational culture focused on safety, the use of technologies such as electronic medical records and safety indicator monitoring systems, in addition to ongoing team training, emerge as essential practices to minimize risks and improve the quality of care. Conclusion: The conclusion of this review highlights the need for institutional commitment and public policies that foster a culture of safety in the hospital environment. Promoting investments in support technologies and implementing clear policies are essential to achieve the established goals. The findings reinforce that, to ensure patient safety, it is essential that health institutions integrate preventive and educational approaches in the work environment, promoting a safer and more effective care system.

[ FULL TEXT PDF 14-18 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2024.18.4.3

