February 2021
Enhancing Energy Accessibility And Climate Change
Adaptation Via Community Solar Energy With Smart
Energy Metering
Thomas Ojonugwa Daniel, Goodness Ore Edaogbogun, Ishaku Borok Maren Abdulmutolib Olajide Olaoye
and Bitrus Pam
BACKGROUND: Instability and unavailability of electricity supply in most developing countries of Africa has
necessitate the use of fossil fuel power generators which is not only associated with environmental pollution and
global warming but its reserve is also finite and non-renewable. Solar energy technology has been characterized as
eco-friendly and abundantly available. However, many energy end users are not able to implement individual’s
solar energy installations for financial or technical reasons.
OBJECTIVE: The study present a model for climate change mitigation/Adaptation by enhancing energy accessibility
via people group energy installation called solar garden where a group of persons come together according to their
energy need to set up a solar energy grid or a an individual set up the solar energy grid with a system of load control
for subscribers via smart metering and payment adherence control using Global System for mobile communication
smart application control and is based on method of empirical research supplemented by theoretical analysis via
the use of computational models and formulas.
RESULTS: A choice of five residence with daily total energy consumption of 35kW was made for the model design
which can be extended or reduced depending on energy need. The solar garden with smart meter control gives
energy access at reduce cost of 0.0831USD/kWh, the total unit of consumption, unit balance and other
power/energy status per time.
CONCLUSION: The model empirical design of a community solar of five residence gave energy accessibility and
availability to the households with real time energy services for the households thereby enhancing climate change
adaption by reduction of greenhouse gas emission..
[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-12 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2021.15.2.1
Quality of Barley Produced in a Low Altitude Location in
Subtropical Climate Conditions
Mateus Freiberg, Diego Nicolau Follmann, Rovani Marcos Rossato, Liliani Elisa
Lemainski, Bruna Regina Carvalho Pinto, Mayferson Valmir Rotta Schlickmann, Rogério Luiz
Backes , Felipe Tascheto Bolzan
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the main winter cereals, intended primarily for brewing. The physiological
characteristics of barley seeds are fundamental for the production of quality malt. To meet the requirements of Brazilian
legislation for malt manufacturing, the minimum germination power required of seeds is 95%, thus, the objective of this
study was to evaluate the seed quality of barley cultivars and whether they meet the minimum quality requirements for
malt production when produced in a low altitude site in a subtropical environment. The experiment field was conducted
in 2019 at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), located in the municipality of Santa Maria-RS. Four barley
cultivars (BRS Quaranta; BRS Korbel; BRS Cauê, and BRS Brau) were analyzed. After the harvest, the seeds were taken to
the Seed Analysis Laboratory (LAS-UFSM), where the physiological quality tests of the seeds were performed. The design
used was completely randomized, with four repetitions. The evaluations performed to analyze the physiological quality of
the seeds were radicle length (RL), shoot length (SL), germination test (GT), first germination count (FGC), vigor from
shoots (VFS), and weight of one thousand seeds (WTS). The data obtained in the experiment were submitted to variance
analysis and the means were compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance, with the aid of the SISVAR software. The
cultivars BRS Cauê and BRS Korbel showed values of radicle length and shoot superior to the other. The cultivar BRS Korbel
obtained a higher seed weight. Therefore, the cultivar BRS Brau showed higher germination and vigor, obtaining a value
higher than the minimum germination power required for malt manufacturing, indicating that with the proper
management and positioning of cultivars it is possible to produce barley grains that meet the requirements for malt
production in a low-lying site in southern.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 13-18 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2021.15.2.2
Biomonitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Using Lichens and Bromeliads
Priscila Natasha Kinas, Vander Kaufmann, Francisco Henrique de Oliveira, Josué Raizer
In this study biomonitoring was used as a tool for assessing air quality in an industrial area in Pomerode, Santa Catarina State,
southern Brazil, through the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations. The industrial area in
Pomerode is of great relevance in this context since it hosts various types of industry: slaughterhouse, ceramic plant, cement
plant, foundry, textile plant, mining activities and asphalt plant, among others. Part of the SC 418 highway runs through the
industrial district of Pomerode. This study showed that it is possible to monitor the levels of the compounds of interest in the
atmosphere by means of biomonitoring using lichens and bromeliads. The most significant amounts of PAHs found in this
study are derived essentially from combustion processes which may be stationary sources, such as smokestacks, or mobile
sources, such as vehicles. The concentration of PAHs found in the lichens represents an accumulation over time. The overall
sum of the PAH concentrations (ΣPAH) found in the lichens was 6,264.6 ng kg-1, and at each site the sums of the PAH
concentrations were: site 01 – 2,000.86 ng kg-1, site 02 – 256.93 ng kg-1, site 03 – 375.15 ng kg-1, site 04 – 411.77 ng kg-1 , site
05 -1,632.30 ng kg-1, site 06 – 140.10 ng kg-1, site 07 – 1,064.,50 ng kg-1 e site 08 – 382.80 ng kg-1. The variation among the
sites evaluated was 140.10 ng kg-1 to 2,000.86 ng kg-1.The overall PAH for the bromeliads was 707.73 ng kg-1 and the
following values were obtained for the sites: site 01 - 55.39 ng kg-1, site 02 - 67.21 ng kg-1, site 03 – 301.59 ng kg-1, site 04 -
27.49 ng kg-1, site 05 - 62.57 ng kg-1, site 06 – 18.58 ng kg-1, site 07 - 134.00 ng kg-1 and site 08 – 36.09 ng kg-1. The PAH
varied from 18.58 ng kg-1 to 301.59 ng kg-1. However, all of the study sites were probably contaminated with PAHs originating
from the industrial areas of Pomerode. The PAH values obtained in this study can be considered similar to those of remote
regions of the globe, which characterizes low PAH contamination in the industrial area of Pomerode, especially when
compared with older industrial and urban areas in Brazil, such as Cubatão, São Paulo State, Brazil. Air monitoring with the
use of these bioindicators is effective and inexpensive, and this can be an important tool for the control and verification of
environmental toxicity
[ FULL TEXT PDF 19-32 ] 10.22587/ajbas.2021.15.2.3