February 2016
Platform and Device Independent Mobile Learning Architecture
Alla Edein Moustafa Qoussini, Yusmadi Yah Jusoh Masrah Azrifah Binti Azmi Murad,
Marzanah Binti A Jabar, Noraini Che Pa and Shaima Mohammad Al Tabib
Students and Users’s Perception on the Development of Professional Competency
of the Alumni of Education of Islamic religion of the Faculty of Education and
Teaching at the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Surakarta Indonesia
Rohmat and Muhammad Said
A Correlation-Ranked Interest Point Selection Method for Thermal Image Classifier
W.S. Lim, B.C. Yeo, Y. Uvarajan and J. Emerson Raja
Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow Problem Considering Different
Constraints Based on Parallel Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-
S. Ragavan Swaminathan and Dr. E. Nandakumar
Effect of Age and Plant Spacing in the Energy Properties of Mimosa Scabrellabenth
ElderEloy, Dimas Agostinho da Silva, Braulio Otomar Caron and Elvis Felipe Elli
A Study on Gender and Behavior Differences Influencing on Online Buying
in India
The effect of Sodium Sulfite on the gravimeter yield of the tannin bark of
the coffee (Coffea arabica L.)
Taís Regina Lima Abreu Veiga, Luciano Junqueira Costa, Thaís Brito Sousa,
Maria Fernanda Vieira Rocha, Márcia Silva de Jesus and
Yllian Banchieri Ribeiro
The Effect of Occupational Stress on Teachers’ Psychological Well-Being:
Social Support As Moderator
Ferlis Bullare@Bahari, Tan Ai Lin and Walton Wider
Demulsification of Water-in-Crude Oil Emulsion via Conventional Heating and
Microwave Heating Technology in their Optimum Conditions
Sweeta Akbari, Abdurahman Hamid Nour, Saidatul Shima Jamari and Abdul Qayom Rajabi
Reduceing Color from Data Image File Using the Modification
Thresholoding Algorithm
Dr. Riyad Mubarak Abdullah
The Influence of Thickness and Annealing Temperature on Some Physical
Properties of Cu2SnSe3 Films
Iqbal S. Naji and Hollya Abdul Rasol
The Effects of Potassium Dichromate on Testes, Accessory Sex Glands, Liver and
Kidney in Adult Male Rats Treated with Ascorbic Acid
Naseer J.H.Al-Mukhtar, Abdulhadi S.Mohmmed and Haeder Talib Mahdi
Impact the Magnetic Field 1.5T on Packed Cell Volume (PCV) using
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Baidaa Taher Seah, Dr. Alia Ahmed Kadhim, Dr.Alauldeen Mudhafar Zubair
The Potential of Rhizophoramucronata in Extracting the Chemical Composition and
Biological Activities as Mangrove Plants: A Review
N.H. Abdurahman; J.Nitthiya; Manal, S. Omer
Improving Network Life Time with Energy Efficient Radical Algorithms in
M. Udhayamoorthi, K. Roophavani, C. Senthil Kumar and Dr.S.Karthik
Energy Aware Health Monitoring Smart Framework F Using Wirless
Sensor Networks
Arun L. Kakhandki, Shivaraj B. Hublikar and Priyatamkumar
Revealing Accounting Episteme at Sultan Syarif Kasim Era, Kingdom of
Siak Sri Indrapura, Riau-Indonesia (1908-1946)
Hadri Mulya
CO2Laser Influence on the Structural Properties of CdO Thin Films
Prepared by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis (CSP) Method.
Hussain S. Akbar
Competitiveness Of Brazilian Natural Honey Exports
Maristela Franchetti de Paula; Humberto Angelo; Anadalvo Juazeiro do Santos and
Alexandre Nascimento de Almeida
Liquid Organic Fertilizer as Amendment for Ex-coal Mining Soil in Asamasam
Village-South Kalimantan, Use for Corn Grow Media
Hastirullah Fitrah, Moch. Sasmito Djati, Amin Setyo Leksono, Bambang Joko Priatmadi
Effect of Non Genetic Factors on Calving Interval of Swamp Buffalo in
Poso District, Indonesia
Yunober Mberato, Moh.Hamsun, Fatmawaty Saloko and Mirajuddin
Molecular And Pathological Study Of Urinary Bladder Transitional Cell Carcinoma By
Using FOXM1 Gene
Athraa Falah alshimerry and Alaa Salah Jumaahh
Parental Involvement in the Academic and Psychosocial Adjustment of
Children with Autism
Liziana N. Onuigbo, Ngozi O. Obiyo, Rebecca C. Chikelu, Chiedu Eseadi