December 2020
Quantification analysis unravels significance of residual biomass ofPinus taeda L
João Maurício Pacheco, Rodrigo Lima, Deepak Sehgal, Rick Anderson Freire Mangueira, Suani Teixeira Coelho Afonso Figueiredo Filho
Abstract The forest residual biomass is the undesired parts of the tree, generally left abandoned on the field post harvesting as it does not bring any monetary value to the forest industries. Though a couple of recent studies have helped in unlocking the energetic potential of the residual biomass, there are still not many reports depicting the influence of initial living space density on the production of residual biomass in loblolly pine trees. This study aimed to quantify the forest residual biomass (living branch, dead branch, needle and bark) of loblolly pine in nine different living spaces in Parana, Brazil and living branches seemed to have the highest potential to generate energy in comparison to other parts of the plant across almost all the living spaces. Our study also demonstrated that 9m2, living space is the best initial density to maximize the production of living branch residual biomass per unit area and the initial density 16 m2 had the highest living branches production per tree closely followed by 9m2 initial density, which generated almost the same amount of living branch biomass, with a nominal difference of 2.4% per tree. The 1m2 living space density had the lowest production of living branches per tree, and 4 m2 living space density had the lowest production of living branches per unit area. This study has unraveled the energy potential the living branches residual biomass possess and since living branches are left abandoned on the field post harvesting and does not hold any monetary value, exploiting it further to produce energy (thermal and/or electricity), would make the energy consumption more cost effective, and also provided the best and least effective initial living space density information for living branch residual biomass production.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-9 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.12.1
Effects of Temperature Variation on Concrete Surface Electrical Resistivity
Letícia Couto de Aguiara, Adriano de Paula e Silvab, Gabriel Henriques Rabelo Gouvêac, Darlan Ulhoa Leited, Ênio José Pazini Figueiredoe
Abstract Electrical resistivity is an important property of concrete, related to the risk of rebar corrosion. Studies related to the maintenance and reinforced concrete structures service life have established resistivity as a parameter of durability and quality. Resistivity is a property that is influenced not only by materials characteristics, but also by environment conditions. The influence of temperature on concrete surface electrical resistivity measurements, and consequently, the risk of rebar corrosion are not well known and need further studies. The aim of this paper is to analyze resistivity variations caused by temperature and environmental changes. Three experimental stages were established. In the first stage, this study analyzed concrete surface electrical resistivity variations due to changes in water/cement ratio during the cure. In the second stage, surface electrical resistivity variations in concrete samples exposed to an external environment were evaluated, part of the specimens were maintained wet (saturated) and part were dry (unsaturated) and assessments were made at different times of the day. In the third stage, the research analyzed temperature and its effects in concrete surface electrical resistivity. The results show that a decrease in water/cement ratio from 0,65 to 0,45, increased by approximately two times concrete surface electrical resistivity values. They also show that resistivity values increase approximately two times from day 3 to day 28 for both water cement ratio. Analyzing each of the series used in this study, surface electrical resistivity values of the wet (saturated) sample were lower than those of the dry (unsaturated) sample. Lastly, the most important result of this article is that concrete surface electrical resistivity values varied inversely to the temperature. The increase of environment temperature by 1ºC resulted in a 1.23% reduction in the surface electrical resistivity of concrete.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 10-16 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.12.2
Developing a new framework for understanding success/failure factors of e-learning implementation in Libya: Case Study; Misurata University
Khalid Ramadan, Jamal Elatresh, Alzain Alzain, Umit Tokeser
Abstract Developing a new effective e-learning framework is significant because it is a widespread technique and it enriches the understanding of the challenges of integrating such techniques into education systems. This paper aims to develop a new technological pedagogical framework for understanding the success and failure factors of e-learning adoption, development, and implementation in the Libyan Higher Education System (LHES).This research followed a mixed-method approach (quantitative/qualitative methods) to collect data from instructors, learners, ICT experts, and officials at Misurata University (MU) in Libya as a case study. First, the current situation of LHES was investigated. Then the attitude of instructors and learners towards e-learning were considered. Finally, the barriers to e-learning adoption, development, and implementation were investigated. The Quantitative data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and thematic analysis was used to interpret qualitative data. Generally, the findings disclosed that the instructors and learners in MU had positive attitudes towards e-learning. Moreover, based on the results, the barriers to e-learning adoption in LHES were classified into five main categories: infrastructure and technological challenges, institutional and organizational challenges, pedagogical factors and curriculum development, social culture, and language challenges, environmental challenges respectively. Finally, the findings of this research contribute to current research on e-learning by providing the first technological pedagogical framework; which is designed to help the officials in LHES for effective implementation of e-learning.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 17-25 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.12.3
Modelling and Optimization of the Gas and Condensate Process Facilities in the Gas Plant
Abdelaziz A. Noaman
Abstract Natural gas processing facilities convert the raw natural gases to sales gas, which is highly demanded in the market. One of the main objective of natural gas processing is purify raw natural gas by removing contami-nants such as solids, water, carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), mercury and higher molecular mass hydrocarbons. The purpose of this paper is to simulate the new gas and condensate process facilities in the gas plant to size the required facilities and choose the feed gas compositions for achieving the required export gas and condensate design flowrates. Aspen HYSYS software was used to model the gas and condensate process facilities in the gas plant while Pro-max software was used to model amine absorber column & amine regeneration package and TEG contactor & TEG regeneration package in the gas plant. From the simulation results conducted by Aspen HYSYS software at different feed gas compositions, it can be noticed that the best feed composition needed from the gas wells to achieve the required condensate and gas export flowrate is 30% lean & 70 % rich. The pressure drop in the all central process facilities is 11.3 bar. Inlet heater will be used during prolonged periods of cold weather. The stabilizer should be 6 stages at 6.5 bar to achieve the required RVP on the condensate outlet. The duty of the condensate reboiler was adjusted to ensure the vapor pressure specification for the condensate outlet is met. The water dew point was met by adjusting the reboiler duty in the TEG regeneration package. The hydrocarbon dew point temperature was met by controlling the outlet temperature from the dry gas chiller. From the simulation results performed by Promax software, it can be concluded that the Amine absorber col-umn should be seven stages and the TEG contactor should be three stages to achieve the required export gas specifications.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 26-45 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.12.4
Doc2Vec: An approach to identify Hadith Similarities
Ahmed M. Abdelghany, Hammam M. AbdElaal, Abdulrahman M. Kamr, and Passent M. Elkafrawy
Abstract The Islamic religion beliefs and traditions are built on two pillars, Qur’an and Hadith.This is why the Hadith in particular and Sunnah in general are considered to be major resources to understand Islamic teachings. Muslims have learnt Hadith from nine major books in Hadith sciences that are considered the Hadith main study resource since early Islamic eras.This paper discusses the implementation of similarity model detection technique between Hadith books using Doc2vec algorithm. The study was able to build a classification model capable of identifying Hadiths with similarities in both Matn and Sanad using different scenarios. The experimental results revealed from that study shows that number of Hadiths (62,169 Hadiths) doesn’t represent a quiet accurate number. Using 8 books of Hadith (out of 9 books) with both Matn and Sanad has showed improved results with similarity up to 80 % between Hadiths. On the other hand, applying the same model of testing similarity using Matn only was not able to show good results compared to the full data set due to limited set of features available to train the model when using Matn only
[ FULL TEXT PDF 46-53 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.12.5