September 2023
Analysis Of Thermal Degradation Of Biofilms Made Of Cassava Starch Reinforced With Coconut Fibers
Doumbia Ahmed , Traore Seydou
ABSTRACT: Thermal degradation (or thermolysis) is explained by the breakdown of molecules under the effect of heat. The analysis of thermal degradation of polymer materials makes it possible to determine their stability conditions. It is therefore important, for the development of these materials, to know these conditions. The material subject of this study was developed during our thesis work. It is a biofilm made of starch and reinforced with coconut fibers. The previous article consisted of the analysis of its water behavior. The aim of this work is to analyze its thermal behavior. To do this, we carried out a thermogravimetric analysis followed by a differential calorimetric study. Regarding the first, the measurements were carried out with a TA/STD 2960 Series analyzer under an argon atmosphere in a temperature range from 100 oC to 950 oC with a sample mass equal to 10 mg. The differential calorimetric analysis was carried out with a Peklin Elmer Dimond DSC unit at atmosphere for a temperature varying from -100 to 250oC with a heating rate of 20 oC/min. The results obtained show, on the one hand, that the composite has stable thermal behavior in the temperature range of [-4oC, 40oC]. On the other hand, in this same range, there is no loss of mass. All this adds up to saying that we can use this biofilm under usual temperature conditions. In addition, this analysis confirms that the material developed is suitable for use in the field of packaging.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-7 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2023.17.9.1