Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

November 2023


Multiprofessional Team Performance In The Intensive Care Unit: Challenges And Perspectives

Nayara Sousa de Mesquita, Pamela Nery do Lago, Camila Ferreira Corrêa, Renata Castro Mendes, Raimundo Lima Monteiro, Milla Reggiani Souza Cunha, Karla Andrievne Alves Silvano, Raquel Resende Cabral de Castro e Silva, Andreia Christianne Lessa Souza, Karine Alkmim Durães, Marília Antônia de Paula, Luzia Maria dos Santos, Bianca Cristina Silva Assis Santiago, Carla Alves Silva, Zélia Cristina de Jesus Costa, Luciana Moreira Batista, Elen de Oliveira Peixoto, Polyana Christine de Oliveira, Patrícia Cristina Santana, Valéria Cristina de Sousa, Carla de Oliveira Arcebispo, Simone Aparecida de Souza Freitas, Luciene Maria dos Reis, Maria Izabel Gonçalves de Alencar Freire, Adelmo Barbosa de Miranda Junior, Maracy Borges Xavier, Glória Frazão Vasconcelos, Letícia Lacerda Marques, Morgana Boaventura Cunha, Francisca Áurea Portela Martins Carvalho, Kelly Monte Santo Fontes, Rafaela Bezerra Gama Guimarães, Camilla Greyce Santos Silva Fontes, Marília Prata Oliveira, Naiane dos Santos Campos Gama, Adriana de Cristo Sousa, Kelly Franciane Lima Alves, Eugênio Barros Bortoluzi, Andreia das Graças Silva de Moraes, Martapolyana Torres Menezes da Silva; Irene Aparecida da Consolação e Silva, Juliane Guerra Golfetto, Cláudia Caetano Fagundes, Anna Elizabeth Grant de Oliveira, Lilian Maria Santos Silva, Vinícius Augusto Pessamílio, Ayla Lima Soares, Marcela Flávia Lopes Barbosa, Weslley Sousa Cavalcante, Leonardo Oliveira Silva, Ana Patrícia da Cruz, Adriano Ferreira de Oliveira, Tatiana Batista da Silva, Helena Cristina Araujo Lima, Liliane Soares de Santana Souza, Gisele da Silva Batista Romero, Nayara Lummy Arashiro de Lima, Valeriane de Almeida Evangelista, Priscila Maria da Silva Burégio Melo, Diana de Oliveira Bezerra, Luzimare de Matos Avelino Ventura, Fernanda Ghessa Oliveira SantAnna Morais Carvalho, João Paulo Morais Carvalho, Mykely Gomes da Luz, Laise Cristina Pantoja Feitosa, Marcos Renan Marotto Marques, Andrea Molina Lima Avelino, Eveline Araújo Maia, Ricardo Cosmo da Silva

ABSTRACT:: Background: The assistance provided in Intensive Care Units is focused on specialized care for patients in critical condition. Considering critical patients admitted to Intensive Care Units, multidisciplinary care consists of complex and special care. In this context, the question arises about the role of multidisciplinary team assistance in implementing adequate care centered on the patient as a whole and not just focusing on the disease. Objective: The study aimed to investigate in national publications the challenges and perspectives of the multidisciplinary team's performance in the Intensive Care Unit. Methodology: This is a bibliographic review article in which an exploratory research was carried out, with a qualitative approach. The search took place in the LILLACS and SCIELO databases from February to May 2023. 22 scientific articles were analyzed using as inclusion criteria articles published in Portuguese; complete, published and indexed in the aforementioned databases in the last ten years. Results: As a result, it became clear that the know-how of different categories of health professionals working together plays a fundamental role in the care of critical patients in the Intensive Care Unit and this requires these professionals to have scientific knowledge and technical skills in care services. Furthermore, they must seek to provide qualified, comprehensive, multidisciplinary care based on scientific evidence. It was concluded that assistance to critically ill patients in the Intensive Care Unit is highly relevant and essential. Conclusion: It was observed that is essential for those professionals to carry out their activity in an ethical, holistic manner, aiming at physical, biological, psychological and social care in order to guarantee patient safety at all moments of care through the use of effective communication and noise free.

] DOI:10.22587/ajbas.2023.17.11.1


Identifying Factors Prevent Patients' Accessibility to Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy in Saudi Arabia: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis

Tadhi K. Alshammari, Ashwag A. Alonazi, Afnan I. Alsweed, Rawan A. Alasous, and Sultan K. Alshammari

ABSTRACT: Background: Musculoskeletal disorders are common and linked to an increased risk of developing a disability. Although physical therapy is recommended for several musculoskeletal conditions, research shows the rate of patients’ access to physical therapy clinics appears unchanged. Objective: We aimed to identify predictive factors to improve overall health status, better compliance, and better management of patients' conditions within physiotherapy services. We used electronic data for a retrospective cohort in Prince Sultan Military Medical City from 30 March 2022 to 22 May 2022. Considering gender, age, and the co-existence of other medical conditions, we compared users and non-users of physical therapy services after referral. Patients were grouped using their diagnosis from their index visit to the Spine, Lower extremity, and Upper extremity. We compared differences in patient factors between users and non-users of physical therapy using chi-square and t-tests. We estimated the minimum sample size to be 385, using 50% of the population portion. Results: We found a significant number of non-users were males and were from the orthopedic department. The association analysis revealed significant relationships between users and gender, user and clinic, and user and diagnosis. Conclusion: The high prevalence of non-users in OPD clinics, could be driven by: the lack of time and an understanding of the importance of the physical therapy course. The study guides healthcare professionals to highlight individuals at particular risk of not accessing physical therapy and indicates the benefit of accessing physical treatment in their case. Further, it encourages to design and implement a policy for people with OPD/Spinal disorder to ensure the continuity of care and to prevent any long-term impact on their health.

[ FULL TEXT PDF 7-16 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2023.17.11.2

