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April, 2014


7. Business, Management, Economics and Social Sciences)


Identifying and Overcoming Constraints to Exports: the Case of Bangladesh

Dr. Zahurul Alam, Dr. Mohammed S. Chowdhury, Mrs. Sharmeen Ahmed



Service Quality on Customer Loyalty and Intentions to Switch in the Airline Industry in

Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy



The Empirical Study of Psychological Empowerment and Affective Commitment:
Malaysian Private Universities' Academic Staff

Yuen-Onn Choong, Chun-Eng Tan, Chia-Guan Keh, Kum-Lung Choe and Yan-Teng Tan



Birds Mention in the Holy Qur’an and their Role in the Natural Ecosystem

Md. Sirajul Islam and Sofiah Bt. Samsudin



Anxiety Toward Mathematics on High School Students (An Empirical Study in CETIS
15 Veracruz-Mexico)

Arturo, García-Santillán, Elena, Moreno-García, Itzel, Hernández-Utrera



Islamic Credit Risk Management in Murabahah Financing-The Study of Islamic
Banking in Malaysia

Siti Nor Amira Bt Mohamad, Dr. Mohamad Yazis B Ali Basah, Dr. Muhammad Ridhwan B Ab Aziz,
Dr. Khairil Faizal B Khairi, Dr. Mazlynda Bt Md Yusuf, and Hisham B Sabri



Determination of Consumer Satisfaction on Ipad Among University Students In

Darmesh Krishanan, Ali Khatibi, Aye Aye Khin



The Influence of Confucianism on Malaysian Chinese Corporate Leadership: An
Inductive Case Study In Malaysia

Kian Aun Law, Khin Wah Soo, Kelvin Lock Teng Low



Moderating Effects of Work Environment on Motivation to Learn and Perceived
Training Transfer: Empirical Evidence from a Bank

Ng Kim-Soon, Nabila Ahmad, Abd Rahman Ahmad


